Waiver Policy

The TMP Universal Journal of Dental Research and Health is committed to making high-quality research accessible to all, regardless of financial constraints. In line with this commitment, the journal offers a waiver policy to support authors who may not have the financial resources to cover publication fees.

Article Processing Charges (APC) Waiver

Since the TMP Universal Journal of Dental Research and Health does not charge Article Processing Charges (APCs) at present, no waiver is required for APCs. All authors, irrespective of their geographical location or financial situation, can publish in the journal free of charge.

Eligibility for Other Waivers

  • Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Authors from low- and middle-income countries may be eligible for waivers for any future charges (such as submission fees or publication-related services) that the journal might introduce. A list of eligible countries will be based on recognized global standards, such as the World Bank's country classifications.
  • Students and Early Career Researchers: In the event of any future fees, students and early career researchers may apply for partial or full waivers to ensure financial considerations do not hinder the publication of quality research.

Application Process

  • How to Apply: If and when any publication fees are introduced, authors wishing to apply for a waiver will need to submit a waiver request during the manuscript submission process. The request should include:
    • A brief explanation of the need for the waiver.
    • Details about the authors’ institution and funding status.
    • Any relevant supporting documentation.
  • Confidentiality: All waiver requests will be treated confidentially, and the editorial team’s decision on the waiver will not influence the editorial decision regarding the manuscript.

Decision on Waivers

  • Fair and Transparent Process: Waiver decisions will be made independently of the peer review process to ensure fairness. Granting a waiver will not affect the manuscript's review, editorial, or publication process in any way.
  • Notification: Authors will be notified of the waiver decision as soon as possible. The journal aims to make these decisions quickly to avoid any delays in publication.

Waiver Policy Review

The waiver policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure it remains aligned with the journal’s mission of fostering open access and removing barriers to scientific publication. Any changes to this policy will be communicated to authors in a timely manner.