Patent Consent Policy

Our Journal is quarterly international journal, published papers by Twisting Memoirs Publication, Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA since year 2022.

Patent Consent Policy

The TMP Universal Journal of Dental Research and Health recognizes the importance of balancing the publication of scientific discoveries with the protection of intellectual property rights. To ensure compliance with patent laws and the safeguarding of authors' innovations, we have established the following Patent Consent Policy.

Responsibility of Authors

Authors are responsible for ensuring that the publication of their research does not infringe upon any existing or potential patents. If the research described in a manuscript involves inventions or discoveries that may be patentable, it is the responsibility of the authors to secure appropriate patent protection before submitting the manuscript for publication.

  • Patent Applications: Authors should file patent applications related to their research prior to submission if they believe their work could be patented. The journal is not responsible for protecting an author's invention or preventing patentability issues after publication.
  • Patent Office Delays: If the research involves ongoing patent applications, authors may request a delay in the publication of their manuscript (embargo) to avoid potential conflicts with patent filing.

Submission and Disclosure

Authors must disclose any patent applications or existing patents related to the manuscript at the time of submission. This includes:

  • Patent Application Status: The current status of any patent applications (e.g., filed, pending, or granted) related to the research described in the manuscript.
  • Patent Ownership: Disclosure of any financial interests or ownership in the patent by the authors or their institutions.
  • Collaborators and Contributors: Information about any collaborators or contributors who may also hold rights to the patent or the research findings.

The journal requires this disclosure to maintain transparency and ensure that any potential conflicts of interest are properly managed.

Journal’s Role in Patent Issues

The TMP Universal Journal of Dental Research and Health does not provide legal advice or patent protection services. The journal's role is limited to the dissemination of scientific findings and does not involve adjudicating patent disputes or claims of intellectual property rights.

  • Publication vs. Patentability: Publication in the journal may affect the patentability of research, as once information is made publicly available, it may be considered "prior art" by patent offices. Authors are advised to seek patent protection before publication if they wish to preserve their intellectual property rights.
  • Patent Disputes: The journal will not engage in patent disputes between authors, institutions, or third parties. Authors are responsible for resolving any patent-related conflicts before or after the publication of their work.

Embargo Requests for Patent Purposes

Authors may request an embargo (delayed publication) for their manuscript if they need additional time to secure patent protection. The following guidelines apply:

  • Duration: Embargo requests must specify the amount of time needed, which typically should not exceed 6 months. The journal will consider longer requests on a case-by-case basis.
  • Request Submission: The request for an embargo must be submitted in writing at the time of manuscript submission, and the reasons for the delay (i.e., patent filing) must be clearly explained.
  • Approval: The journal's editorial team will review and approve or deny the embargo request based on the provided information.

Retraction or Withdrawal Due to Patent Conflicts

In rare cases, the journal may consider retracting or withdrawing an article post-publication if significant patent-related conflicts arise. This could include situations where a published article contains proprietary information that should not have been made public or if the publication compromises an ongoing patent process. Any such retraction will follow the journal’s established withdrawal and retraction policies.

Open Access and Patent Implications

Since the TMP Universal Journal of Dental Research and Health operates under an open-access model, all published articles are freely accessible to the public. Authors should be aware that once their research is published, it becomes publicly available and may impact the ability to secure future patents. Authors are encouraged to consult with legal professionals before submitting potentially patentable work for publication.