Conflict of Interest
The TMP Universal Journal of Dental Research and Health upholds a strict policy regarding conflicts of interest to ensure the integrity and objectivity of the research it publishes.
Author Disclosure
Authors must disclose any financial, personal, or professional relationships that could influence their research or its interpretation. This includes:
- Financial support (grants, employment, stock ownership, or other financial relationships).
- Personal relationships that may bias the work.
- Any affiliation or involvement with organizations that have a stake in the research.
Declaration Process: Authors are required to complete a conflict-of-interest declaration form upon submission. The declaration will be published alongside the manuscript to ensure transparency.
Editor and Reviewer Disclosure
Editors and reviewers must also disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could affect their impartiality in handling or reviewing a manuscript. If a conflict exists, they will be recused from the manuscript’s review process, and another unbiased reviewer or editor will be assigned.
Institutional Affiliations
Authors should disclose institutional affiliations that may benefit from the publication of the work, including universities, hospitals, or companies.
Addressing Conflicts
In cases where a conflict of interest is discovered after publication, the journal may issue a correction or retraction, depending on the severity of the conflict and its impact on the published research.
Human and Animal Rights Policy
The TMP Universal Journal of Dental Research and Health adheres to the highest ethical standards for research involving human participants and animals. Authors are required to comply with international and national ethical guidelines for such research.
Research Involving Humans
For studies involving human participants, authors must ensure that their research complies with the Declaration of Helsinki, which sets forth ethical principles for medical research involving humans. Key requirements include:
- Ethical Approval: All human-related research must have been reviewed and approved by an independent ethics committee or institutional review board (IRB). A statement confirming this must be included in the manuscript.
- Informed Consent: Written informed consent must be obtained from all participants, or their legal guardians if participants are minors or unable to consent. The consent form should outline the study's purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits.
- Privacy and Confidentiality: Authors must ensure the confidentiality of all personal data, and no identifying information (e.g., names, photos) should be included in the publication without explicit consent.
Research Involving Animals
Research involving animals must comply with national and international regulations, such as the U.S. Animal Welfare Act or the EU Directive 2010/63/EU on animal protection. Authors must ensure:
- Ethical Approval: Animal research must be reviewed and approved by an institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) or equivalent ethical review body.
- Humane Treatment: All procedures must minimize harm, stress, and suffering to the animals involved. Adequate care should be provided, and alternatives to animal use should be considered wherever possible.
- Animal Housing and Care: Authors must ensure that animals are housed and cared for under conditions that promote their well-being, in accordance with accepted standards for animal welfare.
Authors should provide a statement in the manuscript confirming adherence to ethical standards for animal research and approval from an ethics committee.
Informed Consent Policy
The TMP Universal Journal of Dental Research and Health requires that informed consent is obtained from all human participants involved in research studies, as well as from individuals whose personal data or images are used in publications.
Informed Consent for Research Participants
- Documentation: Authors must confirm that written informed consent was obtained from all participants prior to the start of the research. The consent should cover the purpose of the study, its procedures, any risks or benefits, and participants’ rights (including the right to withdraw).
- Special Populations: For studies involving vulnerable populations (e.g., children, elderly individuals, or those with cognitive impairments), consent must be obtained from legal guardians or authorized representatives.
Informed Consent for Publication
- Identifiable Information: If a manuscript contains images, videos, or data that could identify a person (including patients), explicit written consent for publication must be obtained from the individual or their legal representative.
- Patient Anonymity: All efforts should be made to anonymize personal data unless explicit consent has been obtained. Authors should avoid providing information that could indirectly identify an individual.
Statement of Consent
Manuscripts must include a statement confirming that informed consent was obtained from all participants and, where applicable, consent to publish identifiable data was received. A copy of the consent form should be available for review by the editorial team upon request, though it should not be submitted with the manuscript.